Here it is my very first blog, I take you to my world of photography. Hope you find it fun and interesting. I am also very curious about the reactions and of course you can ask me anything and if you like it you can always sign up and you will receive an e-mail when I post a new story.
Red light in Amsterdam:
Red light in Amsterdam:
I set out with my modified camera, this time to the Amsterdam canals.
In this camera, the filter has been removed that normally blocks UV and infrared light, so the camera gets all the light. The visible… think of the rainbow, but also of the light that comes after the color red (infrared) and the light before the color blue (UV).
We as humans cannot see these colors with the naked eye, but a camera can. You can easily test this yourself by turning on your camera on your mobile phone and taking a remote control. Point the remote at yourself and press a button.. do you see something? If all is well not, but now take your mobile phone and point the remote control at your phone and then press the button .. now you should see on the screen of your phone that the eye of your remote control suddenly lights up as soon as you press a button.
In order to take infrared photos, you also need an extra filter in addition to a camera that you put on your lens, this filter ensures that all visible light is blocked and actually only the infrared light enters your camera. The result is such a beautiful red photo like the one at the top of this story..
But if you look closely, you can see that something strange is going on with it, everything that contains leaf green suddenly takes on a light color, such as the trees along the canal, trees and plants reflect infrared light best.
Now you can say, I think the red is very beautiful in color, but in practice you see that most infrared photographers edit the photos in one way or another to bring it back to reality a bit.
This edit brings back a bit of blue in the sky, furthermore you see that the trees get a white pink hue. You often also see that an infrared photo gets a black and white post-processing like the one below, where the white of the chlorophyll stands out even better.
I hope I was able to get you as excited about this special form of photography as I was when I first encountered it. If you have any questions and/or comments, you can always send them to me.
ps. Don't forget to sign up, you will automatically receive an e-mail when I post another story about my experience in the world of photography.